This week, our staff came up with a list of 20 signs you're from Sanibel ...

1. You’ve stopped on SanCap at least once to move a gopher tortoise out of the road.

2. You know to cover your bait bucket when you’re fishing on the beach so those sneaky egrets don’t steal a bite to eat.

3. The word junonia is meaningful to you.

4. You take the “Gulf Drive shortcut” to avoid high season traffic.

5. You can tell the difference between a roseate spoonbill and a flamingo.

6. Anywhere over the causeway is considered “overseas”, and once you’re there you often forget that the speed limit is above 35 mph.

7. You don’t think twice about holding up traffic to wait for an ibis to cross the street.

8. You have practiced and perfected “The Sanibel Stoop”.

9. Seeing dolphins is a regular occurrence (but you never get tired of it).

10. You know which Captiva Island marina is the surest place to spot a manatee.

11.  You refer to 50 year olds as “young people”.

12. Tarpon, snook, and redfish are household names, and you know all of the related fishing regulations and seasons.

13. You are never really sure where your shoes are.

14. If you stayed out past 10 PM, it must have been a wild night.

15. A long drive is all the way to Tarpon Bay Rd. (from wherever your house is).

16. You refuse to remove the row of old beach parking passes from your car’s windshield – they’re a local status symbol.

17. Chirping ospreys are your alarm clock.

18. You 'd rather ride your bike than drive your car. 

19. You wish no-see-ums didn’t exist.

20. Despite the heat, humidity, and bugs, you’ll always consider our island paradise. 

If you'd like to add to the list, please comment below!